Synology Git Server vs Hosted Gitea

Broken hard drive by jon<em>a</em>ross on Flickr

There are a few reasons why it is better to use a Hosted Gitea instance rather than a Synology NAS to host your Git repositories. Here are some of the most important reasons:


Hosted Gitea instances are cheaper than Synology NAS devices, especially if you just want to try it out. A 2-bay Synology NAS device costs around $500, while a Hosted Gitea instance is $24 per month. That means you can save a lot of money by using a Hosted Gitea instance to start with.

Ease of use

Hosted Gitea instances are much easier to use than Synology NAS devices. With Hosted Gitea you don't need to worry about setting up and configuring a server. Everything is already set up and ready to go.

Additionally, Gitea's web based interface is much easier to use than the command line interface of a NAS. Setting up repos, adding users, and configuring things are more difficult tasks on a NAS without a web interface specifically for git.


It's likely your Synology NAS is on your local network behind a firewall. That means your Git repos are out of reach when you're not at the same location. Hosted Gitea is web based and so you can access it from everywhere.


Hosted Gitea instances offer better performance than Synology NAS devices. This is because Gitea is designed specifically for hosting Git repositories and Hosted Gitea instances run on high performance cloud droplets.


You're responsible for the uptime of your own NAS. If your device has a problem you have to fix it. If you subscribe to Hosted Gitea we are responsible for keeping your box online and accessible.


Hosted Gitea instances are more flexible than Synology NAS devices. Because it's a web based service it's easy to add repos, create users, and configure it.


Hosted Gitea instances come with better support than Synology NAS devices. This is because Hosted Gitea is a commercial service. I'm always ready to help if you need anything.


Gitea has great documentation. It is better documented than hosting yourself on a Synology NAS. You pretty much have to work everything out yourself on the command line if you go with a NAS.


There are many reasons why it is better to use a Hosted Gitea instance rather than a Synology NAS to host your Git repositories. Gitea is a cheaper, easier to use, more performant, more reliable, more scalable, more secure, more flexible, and better supported option.

Hosted Gitea is a fully managed Gitea hosting service. If you're looking for a private alternative to GitHub or Gitlab check out our service.

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